Bunge, E.L., Entenberg, G., & Bausback, K., (2021) Behavioral Intervention technologies for Disruptive Behavior. IX Brazilian Congress of Cognitive Therapy for Children and Adolescents. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
Lasecke, M., Baeza-Hernandez, K., Dosovitsky, G., Park, A.L., & Bunge, E. (submitted). Dissemination Efforts of an Online Parenting Programs. In D. Lakind & A.L. Park (Co-Chairs) and M. Atkins (Discussant), Innovations and future directions in engaging caregivers through school-based mental health supports. Symposium submitted to the 55th Annual Convention of the Association and Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
Park, A. L., Baeza-Hernandez, K., Lasecke, M., Dosovitsky, G., Lin, J. M. J., Herman, A., Yang, J., Kim, J., Torres Sanchez, A., & Bunge, E. (submitted). Implementation of school-based online synchronous behavior management classes to support parents during a pandemic. In D. Lakind & A. L. Park (Co-Chairs) and M. Atkins (Discussant), Innovations and future directions in engaging caregivers through school-based mental health supports. Symposium submitted to the 55th Annual Convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
Bunge E.L., Taylor, B.C.,Muñoz, R.F., Ruzek, J., Sheperis, D., Pittman, J., Lasecke, M., & Hernandez-Baheza, K.; (2021). A University Approach to the Integration of Technology for Training and Clinical Work. I Evidence-Based Teaching and Supervision Meeting & II Minas Gerais Meeting of Cognitive Supervisors. Brazil.
Bunge E.L. (2020). Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health. Jornada de Actualizacion en Psicoterapias Basadas en Evidencia. Colegio de Psicologos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Argentina
Bunge E.L. (2020). Seminário de Ensino Pesquisa e Extensão – SENPEX Centro Universitário Barriga Verde - Unibave. Mesa redonda: Tendências de inovação na Saúde.[Round Table: Trends on innovations in Health, Brazil]
Bunge E.L. (2020). Artificial Intelligence Chatbot for Depression in Youth: Development, Usage, and Outcomes. Symposium: The Benefits and Potential Harms of Technology: An International Perspective at American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) 2020 Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA
Bunge E.L. (2020). Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents. Spanish for Clinicians course. Palo Alto University. Palo Alto, CA.
Bunge E.L. (2020). Introducción a la Terapia Basada en Evidencia [Introduction to Evidence-Based Psychotherapy]. Guest lecturer. Buenos Aires Board of Psychologist.
Bunge E.L. (2020). Introducción a la Terapia Cognitiva con Niños y Adolescentes [Introduction to Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Children and Adolescents]. Guest speaker. University of Buenos Aires.
Bunge, E.L. (2020). A Little Bit about Many BITs. Technological Interventions in Psychotherapy, the Good, the Bad, the Ugly, and the How To. Palo Alto University. Palo Alto, CA.
Bunge, E. (2019, June). Online teaching. Summer Teaching Workshop, Palo Alto University, Palo Alto, CA.
Pineda, B. S., Bunge, E. (2019, June). The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning and evidence-based principles for instructional design. Presented at the Third Annual Evidence-Based Teaching Conference, Palo Alto University, Palo Alto, CA.
Bunge, E.L. (2019). CHAC Workshop: Fun CBT with Children and Adolescents
Bunge E.L (2019) Argentines in the US: Maintaining Cultural Values, Identity, and Sense of Belonging. American Psychological Association. Chicago, IL.
Bunge, E.L., & Stephens, T.N. (2018, June). Technical & Engagement Teaching Strategies for Video Conferencing. Workshop Session presented at the 2nd annual Palo Alto University Evidence-Based Teaching Conference at Palo Alto University, Palo Alto, CA.
Bunge, E.L. (2018). CHAC Workshop: Fun CBT with Children and Adolescents
Bunge, E.L., & Stephens, T.N. (2017, July). Rapport, Engagement, & Humor in the Classroom: A Serious Matter. Workshop Session presented at the 1st annual Palo Alto University Evidence-Based Teaching Conference at Palo Alto University, Palo Alto, CA.
Bunge E.L. (2017). Lessons Learned on Behavioral Intervention Technologies (BITs) for Depression and Anxiety in Children, Adolescents, & Adults. 51st Convention of Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy. San Diego, CA.
Bunge, E.L. (2017). CHAC Workshop: Fun CBT with Children and Adolescents
Entengberg, Ruiz, Ciliberti, Nishimuta, & Bunge E. L. (2017). Actitudes y Creencias de los Terapeutas hacia el uso de las Tecnologías Resultados preeliminares IV Jornada de Psicoterapias de la Universidad de Palermo y XIII Jornada de Estrés y Ansiedad. Argentina
Bunge, E.L. (2016). CHAC Workshop: Fun CBT with Children and Adolescents
Bunge, E.L., Dickter, B., Stephens, T., Hunt, G., & Tilden, C. (2016, September). Good gaming practices: Parenting and screens. Presentation at Canyon Heights Academy, Campbell, CA.
Vail, L., Elefant, A., & Bunge, E.L. (2016). Addressing Latino acculturation issues in clinical practice. Interactive Discussion conducted at the meeting of APA Division 45 Conference: Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnicity, Race, and Culture, Palo Alto, CA.
Bunge, E.L. (2016). Mental Health Support in a Cultural Context. Adolescent Mental Wellness Conference. Stanford Psychiatry Department.
Bunge, E.L., Williamson, R., Cano, M., Leykin, Y., & Muñoz, R.F. (2016). Mood management effects of brief online interventions. International Society of Research in Internet Interventions 8th Scientific Meeting
Bunge, E.L. (2015). Jornada Psico Tech. Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Psicología para el Bienestar del Individuo. Universidad Católica Argentina. Integración de la Tecnología a la Salud Mental
Bunge, E.L. (2015). Town and Gown. Mobile and Internet Technology: Using psychology and technology to help as many people as possible. Bunge, E.L. Mental Health, technology and Youth: The light Side of the Force.
Bunge, E.L. (2015). I Congresso Wainer de Psicoterapias Cognitivas. Saude Mental e Tecnologia em crianças e adolescentes: o lado brillante da força
Bunge, E.L., (2015). CHAC Workshop: Fun CBT with Children and Adolescents
Bunge, E. L. (2015). Behavioral Intervention Technologies for Latino Children and Adolescents. Latino Forum Innovations in Latin@ Behavioral Health Forum. Sponsored by AGUILAS, Alliant International University, and SF Department of Public Health
Bunge, E. L. (2015). Treating Anxiety Disorders in Latino Children and Adolescents. Palo Alto University Latino Student Organization.
Bunge, E.L., (2014). CHAC Workshop: Fun CBT with Children and Adolescents
Bunge, E. L. (2014). Treatment of Anxiety and Depression with Latino Client. Palo Alto University Latino Student Organization.
Muñoz, R., Bunge, E.L., Schueller, S., Bravin, J., Chen, K., Shaugnessy, E., and Perez Estable, E. (2014). A Massive Open Online Intervention for Smoking Cessation: Towards Systematic Development of Global Public Health Resources. University of California San Francisco: Health Disparities Research Symposium VIII. California, SF.
Bunge, E.L., & Thoardarson, M. (2014). Multicultural Training with Latino Youth. 48th Convention of Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy. Pennsylvania: PA
Bunge, E.L., (2014) Conference. Psychotherapy, Technology and Prevention. 4th Wainner & Piccoloto Conference. Rio Grande do Sul: PA.
Bunge, E.L., (2013). Children and Adolescent Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Argentina. Cognitive Behavioral World Congress. Peru: Lima
Bunge, E.L., (2013). New Technologies in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Children and Adolescents. 5th Wainner & Piccoloto Conference. Rio Grande do Sul: PA.
Bunge, E.L., (2013). Prevention and CBT; Are We Doing the Right Things?. 5th Wainner & Piccoloto Conference. Rio Grande do Sul: PA.
Bunge, E.L., (2012). Psychotherapy, Technology. Cognitive Therapies in the XXI century. XV Latin American Congress ALAMOC. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2012). New patients and new technologies for psychotherapy: new paradigms in clinical child and adolescent, the incorporation of technology resources. 35th Anniversary of Aigle Foundation. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2012). Congress of Argentine Association of Psychiatry: Treatment of child and adolescent OCD. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2011). Cognitive therapies: expanded horizon. Treatment of adolescent depression. 4th Wainner & Piccoloto Conference. Rio Grande do Sul: PA.
Bunge, E.L., (2011). Treatment of anxiety in children and adolescents, developmental perspectives. Brazilian Congress of Cognitive Therapy:
Bunge, E.L., (2011). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Children and Adolescents. XII International Congress on Traumatic Stress and Anxiety Disorders. I Congress of the Latin American Society of Psychotrauma. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2011). Side effects on Psychotherapy. Fourth Conference on Cognitive Therapy: "Limits and Challenges of Cognitive Therapy." College of Psychologists of the Province of Buenos Aires. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2011). The creativity of the therapist. XV Congress of Argentina Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2010). Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Manual with Children and Adolescents. XVII International Congress of Psychiatry: Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2012). Subjectivity and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. 3rd Conference on Mental Health: Subjectivity in Our Time. Any new thoughts? Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2010). Updates in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: last generation treatments and future perspectives. XVII International Congress of Psychiatry. Argentine Association of Psychiatrists. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2009). New clinical approaches for childhood and adolescent depression. XXV Argentine Congress of Psychiatry. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2008). Mental Health in Buenos Aires. San Francisco General Hospital, University of California-San Francisco. California: SF.
Bunge, E.L., (2008). Internet Interventions. "Second Conference on Cognitive Therapy: Models and Proposals". College of Psychologists of the Province of Buenos Aires. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2008). Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders in Children. Roundtable III Argentine Congress of Mental Health. III Inter-American Meeting of Mental Health. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2008). Cognitive Therapy Children and Adolescents. XXIV Argentine Congress of Psychiatry: Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2008). Cognitive Therapy for Adolescents Depression. III National Congress for Learning and Language Disorders. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2007). Introduction to cognitive therapy for depression in children and adolescents. XII Congress of Argentina Association of Psychiatry and related professions. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2007). A.D.H.D and bipolar disorder in childhood. 9th Congress of Neuropsychiatry. Argentina Neuropsychiatric Association. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2007). Cognitive behavioral therapy for behavioral disorders in children and adolescents. II Argentine Congress of Mental Health. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2006). Cognitive Intervention in Children: ADHD, depression and anxiety. VII Argentine Congress of Neuropsychology. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2006). VI Latin American Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy. Roundtable Theme: Cognitive Behavioral Interventions in Child and Adolescent. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2006). XIII International Congress of Psychiatry. Argentina Association of Psychiatrists. Depression in Adolescence. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2006). XXII Argentine Congress of Psychiatry: Metacognitive therapy efficacy in argentine patients with OCD. Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2006). XIII International Psychiatry Congress. Argentine Association of Psychiatrists. Depression in adolescence. Argentina: Bs. As.
Rodriguez Biglieri, R., & Bunge, E.L., (2005). IV World Congress for Psychotherapy. "Thought Fusion Scale: preliminary results of its application in local populations." Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2005). XXI Congress of Psychiatry Argentino APSA. "Cognitive Therapy in Children and Adolescents". Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2005). XXI Argentine Congress of Psychiatry APSA. "Thought Action Fusion in Patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder." Argentina: Bs. As.
Bunge, E.L., (2004). Cognitive Therapy with Children. Conference of the Argentine Association of Cognitive Therapy. Argentina: Bs. As.