Changing Upsetting Thoughts
Health and Wellness
Everyone has upsetting thoughts from time to time, which can make us feel angry, sad, or frustrated. This is normal! It is often our emotions that drive these upsetting thoughts, not the facts of the situation. By catching our upsetting thoughts, checking the facts, and changing our thoughts based on those facts, we can start to have more helpful thoughts and improve our mood.
Watch this video and learn more about how to change upsetting thoughts to be more helpful.
To change your upsetting thoughts:
Catch it. When you feel upset, pause and ask yourself, “What words or phrases are running through my mind right now?”
Check it. Consider whether the thought you are having is helpful or not.
Change it. If you are having an unhelpful thought, consider other ways of looking at the situation. Reframe your thought to one that is more helpful.
Catching, checking, and changing your thoughts takes practice. By noticing your unhelpful thoughts and reframing them based on facts, you can improve your mood.